AI for Health Decision-Making
November 28, 2021
New publication of the Eye Lab on Trustworthy AI in Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
December 15, 2021
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AIROGS: Artificial Intelligence for RObust Glaucoma Screening Challenge

We are happy to announce the new challenge AIROGS (Artificial Intelligence for RObust Glaucoma Screening Challenge), which will be part of the ISBI 2022 conference!
Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible visual impairment and blindness and is often detected too late. Timely detection through appropriate AI screening may serve to reduce the visual burden across the world.

The aim of this challenge is to develop medical image analysis solutions for glaucoma screening that are robust to real-world scenarios. To this end, we employ a dataset with over 100K labeled color fundus images.

Evaluation will be based on two aspects: screening performance and robustness. Participants can only train on gradable images (with and without referable glaucoma). Solutions will not only be tested on gradable images, but also on ungradable images, encouraging the development of inherent robustness mechanisms, such as uncertainty estimation and out-of-distribution detection.
In total, 6000 euros will be available as prize money, while additional prize money may become available.
For more details, to sign up and to download the data, please go to