Magg, C., Verweij, L.P., ter Wee, M.A., Buijs, G.S., Dobbe, J.G., Streekstra, G.J., Blankevoort, L. and Sánchez, C.I., "Training-free Prompt Placement by Propagation for SAM Predictions in Bone CT Scans", Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2024; 250: 964-985.
C. Magg, M. A. ter Wee, G. S. Buijs, A. J. Kievit, D. A. Krap, J. G. G. Dobbe, G. J. Streekstra, L. Blankevoort, C. I. Sánchez, "Towards automation in non-invasive measurement of knee implant displacement", SPIE Medical Imaging, Image Processing, 2024; 12927: 169-175.
C. Magg, H. Kervadec, C.I. Sánchez, "Zero-shot capability of 2D SAM-family models for bone segmentation in CT scans", Belgium Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference 2024, 2024.