New publication of the Eye Lab in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
May 28, 2020
Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing 2020
July 9, 2020
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Eye Lab’s research on AI explainability highlighted by Radboudumc

Eye Lab’s research on AI explainability has been featured in the website of Radboudumc. In the recent publication by González-Gonzalo et al in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, we show the importance of complete visual explainability for medical image AI systems’ decisions. Being featured at the Radboudumc’s website is a nice opportunity to approach our research to clinicians, patients, and researchers from different backgrounds.

Dutch version: Naar een AI-diagnose zoals die van de dokter: Hoe kunnen we ‘luie’ artificiële intelligentie transparanter en relevanter maken voor de kliniek?

English version: Towards an AI diagnosis like the doctor’s